Midterm 2 Orientation 2023

Midterm2 Orientation notice
Date: 10/05/2023
Time: Morning at 10:00am or 2:00pm

Before the orientation day you need to complete the following 3 steps:
1) Fill out the New Student Arrival form: https://www.jotform.com/app/abm-further-education/student/220897526605059
2) fill out your Pre-enrolment form: https://www.jotform.com/app/abm-further-education/student/221659094631055
3) You need to provide your USI number:
If you do not remember your USI please find it here: https://www.usi.gov.au/students/find-your-usi
If you do not have one, please create your USI number here: https://portal.usi.gov.au/student/TermsAndConditions?ReturnUrl=%252fstudent%252fUsi%252fForgotten%252fSuccess

Why is it important to come?
· to obtain necessary information about the course and ABM policies and procedures
· to get support to login to Moodle and Email
· to get support with USI number creation
· to get information about your timetable
· to try your uniforms for your Kitchen Practical classes for our Hospitality and Kitchen Management students
· to take the picture for student ID
· to get essential information about your course

What is waiting for you?
· refreshments such as some snacks and water
· professional friendly staff, who is excited to meet you

Note: Please, find attached to this email your COE’s where you can find information to be able to fill out the forms. Please save your COE and bring it to the orientation in the digital form as at your COE you can find your student number.

#orientation #newbegining #welcometoabmfurthereducation #welcometoabm #abm #abmfurthereducation #studyinaustralia #studyinsydney #commercialcookery #kitchenmanagement #business #hospitalitymanagement #projectmanagement


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