SIT40521 – Certificate IV in Kitchen Management

What I love about ABM is how easily they teach us to learn even the difficult things. The training is intense but straightforward to follow.


I love studying at ABM because of its great diversity. I can make friends from all over the world, and we inspire each other.

Anais Ramo Alonso

I am thoroughly enjoying my cooking experience at ABM Kitchen. I even had the opportunity to cook with my trainer at an ABM event which was a valuable experience.

Sunghyun cho

CRICOS Course Code: 109578H

Course Outline

Supersedes and is equivalent to SIT40516 – Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery 09/Jun/2022

This qualification reflects the role of chefs and cooks who have a supervisory or team leading role in the kitchen. They operate independently or with limited guidance from others and use discretion to solve non-routine problems.

This qualification provides a pathway to work in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops, or to run a small business in these sectors.

The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Delivery mode: Face to Face

Delivery site:

Classroom – 242 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Kitchen – Shop 22, The Quay Haymarket, 61-79 Quay Street, Haymarket, 2000

More information is available via the My Skills Website.

Course Details

This qualification will be delivered over 78 weeks, including 60 weeks of training and assessment spread over 6 terms of 10 weeks each.

No. of unit Code Title  Core or Elective
1 SITHCCC023* Use food preparation equipment Core
2 SITHCCC027* Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery Core
3 SITHCCC028* Prepare appetisers and salads Core
4 SITHCCC029* Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Core
5 SITHCCC030* Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes Core
6 SITHCCC031* Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes Core
7 SITHCCC035* Prepare poultry dishes Core
8 SITHCCC036* Prepare meat dishes Core
9 SITHCCC037* Prepare seafood dishes Core
10 SITHCCC041* Produce cakes, pastries and breads Core
11 SITHCCC042* Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements Core
12 SITHCCC043* Work effectively as a cook Core
13 SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes Core
14 SITHKOP012* Develop recipes for special dietary requirements Core
15 SITHKOP013* Plan cooking operations Core
16 SITHKOP015* Design and cost menus Core
17 SITHPAT016* Produce desserts Core
18 SITXCOM010 Manage conflict Core
19 SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget Core
20 SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety Core
21 SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices Core
22 SITXFSA008* Develop and implement a food safety program Core
23 SITXHRM008 Roster staff Core
24 SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people Core
25 SITXINV006* Receive, store and maintain stock Core
26 SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations Core
27 SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Core
28 SITHCCC026*- Package prepared foodstuffs Elective

Group A

29 SITHCCC038* Produce and serve food for buffets



Group A

30 SITHCCC040* Prepare and serve cheese Elective

Group A

31 SITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff Elective
32 SITHIND006 Source and use information
on the hospitality industry
33 BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion Elective

Work Placement: 360 Hours

To maximise the chance of students successfully completing their training, ABM will identify any support individual students need prior to their enrolment and provide access to that support throughout their training. This will be done using both the Enrolment Form, and a Pre-Enrolment Form, that students are required to fill in.

The aim of both documents is to provide any support that may be required. This could include:

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) supports.
  • Assistive Technologys.
  • Additional Tutorials, and / ors.
  • Other mechanisms, such as assistance in using technology for online delivery components.

Where this support attracts an additional cost to the student, ABM will make this clear prior to accepting the student’s enrolment. If there are limitations to the support ABM is able to provide, these limitations will be made clear in information provided to a potential student.

Where ABM identifies required support, such as literacy or numeracy, English or other language barriers or physical capabilities, and it cannot provide such support directly, it will refer the student to a third party. The costs of such third-party support will the responsibility of the individual.

Where ABM is not capable of offering an environment suitable for the needs of a student with specific identified needs, it will inform them accordingly and may direct the student to a provider that can, and thus will not process their enrolment.

Chef de partie

After achieving this qualification, graduates may undertake the next qualification up the SIT50422 DIPLOMA OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT


Possible job titles include:

  • chef
  • chef de partie.

Additional Information

Please read the Student Handbook prior to enrolment as this contains valuable information about ABM. For further information, please contact ABM by sending an email to or call us on +61 (02) 9160 4507.

ABM Kitchen

Kitchen gallery