Midterm 4 Orientation on 10 November 2022

Future Students,

Welcome to ABM Further education and I hope you will enjoy the learning curve with our courses and have fabulous learning experience with us.

We have sent you an email about our Orientation day on Thursday 10/11/2022 at our modern campus: Level M, 56-58 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000, which is nearby Town Hall station 2 minutes walk from Queen Victoria Building. The orientation day will start at 4 pm.

It is important to attend orientation day as you will gain following information:
Necessary information about the course and ABM policies and procedures
-Support with Moodle and Email login to ensure right start
-Support with USI number creation
-Information about your timetable
-Trial of uniforms for Kitchen practical classes for our Hospitality and Kitchen Management students.

Also, some refreshments and professional friendly staff will be waiting for you
If you have any concerns or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

#abm #abmfurthereducation #orientation #kitchenmanagement #hospitalitymanagement #business #studywithus #studyinsydney

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Campus UpdatesUpdate


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